Thursday, March 22, 2012

Daniel's Teeball Paragraph

Daniel wrote an introduction for our class game of TeeBall. He has tried to vary his sentence beginnings. Well done Daniel!


Jay Melville Intermediate said...

Hi my name is Jay
I go to Melville Intermediate School
I like how you looked at the camra
last year my favorite sport was teaball,comment back

Stephanie Hogue said...

Hi Daniel, my name is Stephanie Hogue, and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I am taking a technology course called EDM310. Your video introduction for the class Tee ball game is great! I, especially,like the way that you varied your sentence beginnings. Keep up the great work!

Kate Fail said...

Hi Daniel!
My name is Kate and I live in America in Alabama where I go to college. I want to be an elementary school teacher. I am taking a class right now called EDM 310 and we are learning all about using technology in the classroom. I really enjoyed your video and I like how you chose to start your sentence with, straight away. That was a very fun and creative way to begin a sentence. Keep up the great work!!