Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kavaliku's Mihi in English

This is Kavaliku's mihi in English. He's looking at cue cards to help him know what to say. This is also his first post for the year.


Pt England Scribes said...

Dear Kavaliku,

That was great! We loved your mihi. That was a good first post.

From Room 11

Donyae and Serena (Room 13) said...

Wow, you have a cool movie kavaliku! Keep working hard kavaliku. You have been working hard. I like how you said it clearly. I enjoyed the part when you said how old you are. From Serena and Donyae,

whichwaydidshego said...

Kavaliku, you did a great job! Thank you for letting me know a bit about you.

Los Gatos, California, USA

Jenny Turner said...

Hi Kavaliku, my name is Jenny Turner and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing a bit about yourself.