Monday, June 20, 2011

Junior explains how to keep your hands clean!

This term our topic is Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster. It's all about Technology! Team 2 is learning about soap and explaining how it is made. Listen as Junior shares about why your hands need to be clean.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tylah at Swimming

Here is Tylah's writing about swimming. Listen as she explains what swimming is.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Maurice's Weekend

Here is an independant piece of writing that Maurice has written about his weekend. Listen as he shares with you what he enjoyed.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Kyan explains soap making

Kyan has been learning to add detail to the front of word groups. Here is his paragraph that he written. Listen as he explain the cold process of soap making. Well done Kyan! Because of the hazards with the cold process of soap making we will be using the melt and pour process instead.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Thank you Miss Sporle

Miss Sporle is a student teacher from Laidlaw College and has been teaching Room 9 for the past four weeks. We were very lucky to have her and wish her all the best for the future.

Ariana's pargraphs about P.E

Ariana has been learning to write in paragraphs. Here is her writing about P.E. Listen carefully as she shares with you what we do in P.E. Do you know what P.E stands for?

P.E is when a person learns a new skill. So they can show their friends and family. It includes passing, dribbling and jumping.

On Tuesday afternoons room 9 goes to P.E with Stephanie(from Sport Auckland). One of the games that we have learned is noodle tag, rob the nest, ball tag and traffic light. Something that Stephanie tells us, is to concentrate so we can stay safe.

This term we have learning to jump. We have to bend our knees and put our hands up in the sky. You also need to concentrate and bend your hips too so you can get to jump higher, you have to look forward. I feel happy when I do P.E. I like doing P.E with Stephanie because we do fun games and she makes me feel joyful. Jumping is hard when we use the inside of our feet.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Taimana shares about P.E

Taimana has been been learning to write in paragraphs. Listen as he shares with you his second paragraph and below written, is his first one. Well done Taimana!

On Tuesday afternoon we do P.E with Stephanie. Some games we play are noodles tag, rob the nest, ball tag and traffic lights. Something that Stephanie tells us to do is concentrate and stay safe.