Here is a report that Keis wrote about a made-up bug called a Wormfly. Listen as she describes what it looks like. Listen carefully and look closely at her picture and see if you recognise her Wormfly. Well done Keis!
This blog was maintained by Mrs Lavakula during the time she taught at Pt England School. There will be no further posts and comments have been disabled.
Monday, December 27, 2010
A Wormfly?
Here is a report that Keis wrote about a made-up bug called a Wormfly. Listen as she describes what it looks like. Listen carefully and look closely at her picture and see if you recognise her Wormfly. Well done Keis!
Pt England School,
Monday, December 20, 2010
The 2010 Film Fest

Here is a piece of writing that Mary wrote earlier in the year about the Manaiakalani Film Festival. If you'd like to view all the entries, click here.
film festival,
Mary H,
Pt England School,
x factor
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Last Day of School for 2010
This has been an eventful year for us. Now it is time for a well deserved holiday. Our blog will continue to share children's work, up until the New Year. So, please keep visiting us and leaving us a comment. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year. School will resume on Monday 7th February, 2011.
Pt England School,
Room 10
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tributterly by Emmy
Ever heard of a Tributterfly? Part of our topic this term, the children in Room 10 had to design and create their own insect. As well as that, each child had to write a report for the bug that included: name, habitat, physical appearance, behaviour, diet and any other interesting facts. Well done Emmy for doing a great job!
bug writing,
Pt England School,
report writing
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Team 3 Item for Prizegiving
Last week on Thursday 9th December, 2010 our whole school had prizegiving. This year it was different because we had Junior Prizegiving (Y1-4) at 2-3pm and the Seniors (Y5-7) had theirs from 7pm-8.30pm. This is the first time our school has done prizegiving this way. This movie is our item that we did on the day.
Prizegiving 2010 Team 3 Item from KPE TV on Vimeo.
prizegiving item,
Pt England School,
Room 10
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Brandon's Term 4 Animation
This term our topic is called Little Critters. This was the task for e-learning, Term 4 2010
Here is Brandon's complete animation. Watch and listen to see what minibeast he is describing in detail. Well done Brandon!
What do we know about minibeasts?
The children had to create an animation that showed their understanding of a minibeast’s characteristics, habitat, lifecycle and other interesting facts.
monarch butterfly,
Pt England School,
Room 10
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Milo Rugby Skills Day Movie
Here are some highlights from the day that Sela wrote about.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Milo Rugby Skills Day
Earlier in the term, Pt England School's year 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes had an experience of a lifetime! Alongside the Auckland Rugby Provincial team and Milo, a day was organised for us to learn some rugby skills. Both girls and boys took part. Some of us even got to meet players of the team. This is Sela's writing that she wrote about what happened during the Milo Rugby Skills Day. Listen as she explains what she enjoyed the most about the day and why.
Thank you Auckland Rugby Union and Milo!!
auckland rugby,
milo rugby skills,
Pt England School,
Sela M
Monday, December 6, 2010
Brandon's Wormfly
Ever heard of a Wormfly? Brandon has worked extremely hard in writing his report about one. Listen carefully as he describes the physical appearance, habitat, diet and other facts about a Wormfly. Great work Brandon!
bug writing,
Pt England School,
report writing,
Friday, December 3, 2010
What's a Wormfly by Mary

This term our topic is called "Little Critters". For writing the children learned about report writing for insects and there were four main areas that they had to write about. They were: Physical Appearance, Habitat, Diet and Any other interesting facts. Then, the children had to write a report about a bug that was made-up and named by them. This is Mary's report and she has done an amazing job. Well done Mary!
Mary H,
Pt England School,
report writing
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Christian writes about a Bee
Here is the beginning of a report about a bee that Christian has written independantly. Well done Christian!
Pt England School,
report writing
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Eric's Bee Writing
Here is the beginning of a Eric's report writing about a Bee.
Bees are insects. Bees are black and yellow, has two pairs of wings, a long tongue for sucking up pollen and two antennae to tell them where to go. Bees live in a bee hive next to flowers hanging up on a tree. Bees have six sticky legs to hold onto flowers.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Film Festival 2010 ~ X Factor!

Every year our school takes part in the Manaiakalani Film Festival. We've made our movie called X Factor to showcase our talent here in Room 10. Click on the above link to check out all the other movies that were shared today. Thanks Mrs Burt for all your hard work!
Calvin k,
justin bieber,
Mary H,
Pt England School,
Room 10,
sean kingston,
Sela M,
Semi A,
taio cruz,
x factor
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Snail Creations
During week one, Team 3 classes swapped for the afternoons and learned about one little critter with each teacher. In Room 10, we learned about snails. We labelled a snail and found out interesting facts about them. We also made snails using playdough and had a race with them. These are photos of our creations.
Pt England School,
Room 10,
Monday, October 18, 2010
Puawai's Holiday Story

After a lovely holiday, some of us wrote stories about what we did. Here is Puawai's recount of what was the best part of her holiday.
Pt England School,
recount writing
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Wiremu's Pacific Voyage Animation
Wiremu has worked hard to draw realistic graphics. With help, he was able to make his animation using Hyperstudio. Well done Wiremu!
Pt England School,
Wiremu D
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sela's Pacific Voyage Animation
This is Sela's animation of a Pacific Voyage. She made this using Hyperstudio. With help she was able to turn her hyperstudio cards into images and put them into iMovie. Sela also wrote her voice over independantly. Well done Sela!
pacific voyage,
Pt England School,
Sela M
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Quasia's Pacific Voyage Animation
This is Quasia's animation of a Pacific Voyage from Term 3. She has worked extremely hard using Hyperstudio and was able to write her own voice over for it. Well done Quasia!
pacific voyage,
Pt England School,
Friday, October 1, 2010
Brandon's Pacific Voyage Animation
Brandon's been working really hard to make this animation using Hyperstudio. Part of his learning he has been able to move pictures by making them objects. Well done Brandon!
pacific voyage,
Pt England School,
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Lee's Pacific Voyage Animation
Here is Lee's animation that he has made of Kupe and the great fleet. Look carefully and see what provisions they brought with them. Well done Lee!!
Pt England School,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Semi's Pacific Voyage Animation

This term Room 10 have been working hard at our e-learning task. This is the first term the children in Room 10 have used Hyperstudio. They have all done a wonderful job. Here is Semi's work that he has mostly by himself, he wrote his voice over too. Well done Semi!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
James Cook by Eric
As a class we've been learning to write paragraphs and here is Eric's writing about the first part of Captain James Cook' life. Well done Eric!
james cook,
Pt England School,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nga Waka e Whitu
Whaea Raewyn comes in every Tuesday morning at 9.30am to teach our class Maori. For the last couple of weeks she has been teaching us to use the rakau and sing Nga Waka e Whitu. Here is a movie of what we've been doing so far! Kia ora Whaea Raewyn.
nga waka e whitu,
Pt England School,
Room 10
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Damien retells how Maui slowed the Sun
Damien has been working hard to write complete sentences independently. He has done a great job. Well done Damien!
Damien J,
maui and the sun,
Pt England School,
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sela retells Kupe and Te Wheke o Muturangi
Here is Sela's retelling of the legend Kupe and Te Wheke o Muturangi. Also attached is her picture of the octopus.

kupe and the octopus,
Pt England School,
Room 10,
Sela M
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fiafia Practises have begun!!

Starting yesterday, our whole school divided up into different groups for our first fiafia practice. There was a Tongan, Niuean, Samoan, Cook Island, Glee, Jump Jam, Dance, Singing/ Band, Music Video, Dragon, Hip Hop and Stomp Group. We will be practicing over the next five weeks for our big performance in term 4. You can click here to see our school Pasifika from 2008.
Pt England reserve,
Pt England School,
Room 10
Monday, August 16, 2010
Calvin's Maritime Museum Experience
For some of the children, it was their first time visiting the Maritime Museum and also travelling on a ferry boat. Listen as Calvin shares with you some of the exciting things we did there.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Korobeau and Takai read Watch Me Swim

Takai and Korobeau are two people in the Penguins reading group. They've been learning to use the pictures to help them read carefully. Here is a story that they have practised very hard at reading. It is titled Watch Me Swim by Pam Holden and Illustrated by Christine Hansen.
pam holden,
Pt England School,
watch me swim
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Photos of our Maritime Museum Trip
On Wednesday the 11th August, Rooms 9, 10 and 13 travelled by bus to the Auckland Maritime Museum. We were met by wonderful people who looked after us and had organised each programme for us. It was a great day and we even got to go on a ferry ride to Devonport. Thank you to David, Salty Sam and others who were involved in making this an unforgetful trip. We would also like to thank our parents and family for helping us out as well. Watch this space as more movies from our trip to come especially children's writing!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Toia Mai te Waka nei
Over the past week we've been learning a new Maori song in class. Here are the lyrics and interpretation from Maori to English. Click here to visit the site.
Tōia mai1 te waka nei Kūmea mai te waka nei Ki te takotoranga i takoto ai Tiriti2 te mana motuhake3 Te tangi a te manu e4 Pīpī-wha-rau-ro-a5 Kūi! Kūi! Kūi! Whitiwhiti ora! Hui e, tāiki e. | Haul this canoe closer haul the canoe here to its special resting place; the Treaty gives us our autonomy. May the cry of the bird, the shining cuckoo - Quee! Quee! Quee! - signal a change for the better. Draw together, beome intertwined! |
Pt England School,
Room 10,
toia mai te waka nei
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Mao's visit to the Life Education Bus

Here is Mao's writing and a picture of her favourite giraffe Harold.
Yesterday our class went to the Life Education van. First we lined up at the front of the van. And we learned about Tam's body. I had fun.
nz life education,
Pt England School,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
A Pirate Limerick Poem by Room 10
Over the last week, we have be learning about Limerick Poems. Do you know what a Limerick poem is? We looked up some examples from this website about Pirates that had lots of good information and activities to do. Here is what we came up with as a class.
There once was a pirate named Peter
He loved to sit next to the heater
He tried to go to sleep
But was hungry for sheep
And he ran a hundred meters
If you have any ideas or would like to share a limerick poem with us, feel free to do so. Here are some pictures that Kavaliku and Calvin have drawn of a pirate.

There once was a pirate named Peter
He loved to sit next to the heater
He tried to go to sleep
But was hungry for sheep
And he ran a hundred meters
If you have any ideas or would like to share a limerick poem with us, feel free to do so. Here are some pictures that Kavaliku and Calvin have drawn of a pirate.

limerick poems,
Pt England School,
Room 10,
Friday, July 30, 2010
Life Education at Pt England School

Every year Pt England School are visited by the Life Education Bus. It travels all across the country teaching children about different things. Click here to find out more.
From this Room 10 wrote a paragraph about one thing they learned and experienced. This is Rave's paragraph. Look carefully at her picture and do you know what his name is?
In the Life Education Van we chose some doctors to pick something out of a bag with blood in it. We got the heart and put it on Carpet Kid. We got different things to put on Carpet Kid.
life education,
Pt England School,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Immersion Week
Team 3 here at Pt England School spent Week 1 changing classes each day from 12noon until lunchtime. Each teacher had organised and planned for each class to do an activity around our topic for the term "Mighty Mariners". Here are some photos from Room 10 and what they did with their teacher. Can you figure out what kind of mariners they are?
pirate hats,
Pt England School,
Room 10,
Monday, July 26, 2010
In the Asena

This is Asena's piece of writing that she did during the holidays.
In the holidays, it was my birthday. Me and my family went to the movies to watch Karate Kid. It was so fun because we bought two packed of popcorn and two drinks. When I was watching Karate Kid I was eating popcorn and drinking coke. The popcorn was so yummy that I ate the whole popcorn. My favourite part was when Karate Kid knocked out the boy that bullied him.
asena f,
karate kid 2010,
Pt England School,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Korobeau's Holiday Writing
During the term break all of the children in Room 10 had homework to do. One of their tasks was to write a paragraph about what they did daily. We did this because it's important for us to continue learning even if we're on holiday from school. You might like to leave us a comment about what you did during the holidays.
This is one of Korobeau's piece of writing:

Thursday 8th July, 2010
I woke up at 6.15am and watching the FIFA 2010 World Cup Semi-final between Germany and Spain. Spain won and will go the final to play against Netherlands. Paul the Octopus chose Spain to win the FIFA World Cup. FIFA means Federation Internation Football Association.
This is one of Korobeau's piece of writing:

Thursday 8th July, 2010
I woke up at 6.15am and watching the FIFA 2010 World Cup Semi-final between Germany and Spain. Spain won and will go the final to play against Netherlands. Paul the Octopus chose Spain to win the FIFA World Cup. FIFA means Federation Internation Football Association.
Pt England School,
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mighty Mariners
This term our topic is called Mighty Mariners. Our focus question is: What does it take to explore the sea? Our learning outcomes are: to explain why people left their homes to explore the oceans and new lands, to explain one or two different technology used by early explorers and to explain and describe how a chosen group of people prepared for sea travel.
This is going to be an exciting term because we also have the Life Education bus with our friend Harold here for the next two weeks. We will also be practising for our school Cross Country competition. We've also got a trip to the Maritime Museum in Auckland and our school wide Pasifika at the end of the term.
If you can help us with any ideas or can answer the above questions and learning outcomes, please keep visiting us and don't forget to leave us a comment!!
abel tasman,
james cook,
Pt England School,
Room 10
Friday, July 16, 2010
An Earthquake Animation by Lee
This is Lee's animation of an Earthquake. He's worked really hard on adding details in his graphics and he can even turn his slideshow into a quicktime using iMovie. Well done Lee!
Pt England School,
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Calvin's Earthquake Animation
This is Calvin's animation of an Earthquake. He is really clever that he can even turn his slideshow into a movie. Calvin has worked hard on the details in his graphics and even wrote a paragraph explaining what an earthquake is. Well done Calvin!
Calvin k,
Pt England School,
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Kavaliku's Earthquake Animation
This is Kavaliku's animation of an Earthquake. He worked extremely hard to put all his graphics into a slideshow using kidpix. Great work Liku!
Pt England School,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Keis' Earthquake Animation
This is Keis' animation of an Earthquake happening. She has worked really hard this term to write a paragraph about what an earthquake is. Listen as she explains. Excellent work Keis! This photo was taken on our term 1 picinic at the Pt England Reserve.
Pt England School,
Monday, July 12, 2010
Korobeau's Animation of a Volcano Erupting!
This is one of Korobeau's movies that he has made this term of a Natural Disaster. He has worked extremely hard to show what a volcano will look like when it erupts. Excellent graphics Korobeau!
Pt England School,
Friday, July 9, 2010
An Earthquake Animation by Leka
This is Leka's animation of what an earthquake will look like. He created this using kidpix and has worked hard on his detail in graphics. Great job Leka!
Pt England School,
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Mao's Volcano Animation
This is Mao's animation of a volcano erupting. Watch and listen as she explains what is happening. Well done Mao! This photo was taken of her sliding down the hill at One Tree Hill or Maungakiekie.
Pt England School,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tafaoata's Earthquake Animation
Ever wonder what an earthquake might look like - animate? This is Tafaoata's animation of an Earthquake, that she made using kidpix. Well done Tafaoata!
Pt England School,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Volcano Animation by Mua
This is Mua's volcano animation. She worked really hard to write her own voiceover for it as well. Well done Mua!
Pt England School,
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