This term Room 10 have been working hard at our e-learning task. This is the first term the children in Room 10 have used Hyperstudio. They have all done a wonderful job. Here is Semi's work that he has mostly by himself, he wrote his voice over too. Well done Semi!
Semi - I cannot believe that you have done such wonderful animation and publishing, well actually I can as you are a member of wonderful Room 10. I really like the way that you spoke doing the voice over for your presentation, I wonder were you able to do it all in one go? The other thing I was thinking about with your presentation was maybe explaining to people not from New Zealand about some of the words that you used, I know your class has an audience from all around the world and some people might not know about some things like a Waka being a canoe! Great work!
Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.
Hi!! I am from the University of South Alabama and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class and I am very impressed with your blog post. I thought you were very creative and did a great job creating this. The animation was wonderful and unique. I also love how you spoke during the presentation. Again, great job!
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