This term our topic is called Mighty Mariners. Our focus question is: What does it take to explore the sea? Our learning outcomes are: to explain why people left their homes to explore the oceans and new lands, to explain one or two different technology used by early explorers and to explain and describe how a chosen group of people prepared for sea travel.
This is going to be an exciting term because we also have the Life Education bus with our friend Harold here for the next two weeks. We will also be practising for our school Cross Country competition. We've also got a trip to the Maritime Museum in Auckland and our school wide Pasifika at the end of the term.
If you can help us with any ideas or can answer the above questions and learning outcomes, please keep visiting us and don't forget to leave us a comment!!
Hello Room 10,
My name is Luz Minaya and I am a teacher from New York City. I currently teach 6th, 7th and 8th graders. I came across this blog via an assignment from my college course. I would to stay in communication with your blog and also will like share your thoughts with my students.
I like very much your topic. I also like your objective in presenting the new topic and how you welcome anyone to be part of this learning process!
I will be visiting this blog in this upcoming school year. For us our school term begins in September.
Hope to hear from you soon.
New York
Hi Room10,
I loved the way you all told the world who is a explorer and why they
were a explorer. I know two explorers
they names are Captin James Cook and
Christopher Columbus. Because my teacher tells us all about Captin James Cook in her chapter book.
From Sela Room10
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