Sunday, October 26, 2008

Josh Williams says "It's cool to Read, it's cool to Achieve"

During our Duffy Assemblies at Pt England School we're very fortunate to have some famous speakers come and talk to us about Reading. Listen and find out what happened at our special assembly that took place in Term 3.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Room 10 goes on a Rubbish Hunt

Logan tells us where he went to find rubbish and what he found along the way. Listen carefully and you might to share with him some interesting pieces of rubbish you might have come across.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Pt England Teachers Recycle their Rubbish

Here is Nova's version of Immersion Assembly. Pt England Staff and students kickstart each term with Immersion. Listen and find out what and how we do this. You might like to share with us what you do for the first day of each term.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Serena's 8th Birthday Party

Serena's 8 years old now and she celebrated it in the weekend. Listen and share with Serena what you did for your 8th birthday or if you're not quite 8 yet what you would like to do when you do turn 8.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Alex goes to a birthday party

This is Alex's first blog and he share with us what he did in the holidays. Listen and share with him what you like doing in the holidays. He'd love to hear from you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fashion show of Recycled Rubbish at Pt England School

Jasmine shares with us our Immersion Assembly here at Pt England School. Listen and find out other than a fashion show what else happened in our assembly. Jasmine would love to hear from you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hueloata's Holidays

Like thousands of other children in New Zealand, Hueloata has just returned from the holidays. She has written a story about what her favourite part of the holidays were. Share with her what you got up to or what you like doing in your holidays.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Go for Green Assembly by Logan

First day of every term here at Pt England School we have an Immersion Assembly. This term our topic is Go For Green. The teachers got dressed up and put on a show for our children. Listen to Logan's story and share with him what happens on your first day of the term.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Term Four at Pt England

This is our last term for 2008 here at Pt England School. Listen and find out what our topic is and what it's about. Take note of the 5 questions we have come up with in our class and share with us your answers by leaving a comment.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Olympasifika practise here at Point England School

At the end of this term our school had an Olympasifika night. What is an Olympasifika night? Listen to Tui's story and find out what we did to prepare ourselves for this wonderful ocassion. Share with her similar experiences you may have had.

Thank you Bucklands Beach Lions Club

Here at school we are very lucky to have people buy books for our children as part of the Duffy Books in Home scheme. This term we each child was fortunate enough to choose two books to take home and read. Reading is cool and reading is fun. Listen as Vivienne says thank you and find out what two books she chose. Thanks again to the Lions Club.