Every year Pt England School are visited by the Life Education Bus. It travels all across the country teaching children about different things. Click here to find out more.
From this Room 10 wrote a paragraph about one thing they learned and experienced. This is Rave's paragraph. Look carefully at her picture and do you know what his name is?
In the Life Education Van we chose some doctors to pick something out of a bag with blood in it. We got the heart and put it on Carpet Kid. We got different things to put on Carpet Kid.
Hi Rave
Your moive was vantasit.
I love your moive and it was cool.
By Puawai in rm 10
Hi Rave
What a great speech you did. You did a excellent job.
Keep up the great work.
From Lola & Heather
HI RAve'
I like your moive and it was cool,
from muamua .leuila in Room 10.
Hi there Rave! Good story telling! Thanks for leaving a comment on our blog about 'Wake up GI'. We're so glad you enjoyed it. We absolutely love your X Factor movie. It was very funny. Your actors were sooooo good!
Mrs Tele'a and the extension team!
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