Here are some questions that children in Room 9 are curious about. If you are able to help with any of the answers, please leave us a comment.
Is there gravity in space?
How big is a comet?
by Kyan
Why are Saturn and Uranus the only planets that have a ring around them?
by Zane
Which planets have more than one moon?
by Enyahlee
What is a black hole?
Why do astronauts go to space?
by Antonia
How do the planets orbit around the sun?
How hot is the sun?
by Cyrus
How do objects float around in space?
by Sarai?
there is gravity in space but no gravity at earth.
Harvey christchurch room2 burnham school
What is a black hole?
Why do astronauts go to space?
by Antonia
A black hole is a dead star.
Astronauts go to space to explore and conduct research.
We are student teachers from Christchurch, we are really enjoying looking at your blog! :)
Great Work!
Hi Room 9 children!
Well there IS Gravity on earth but NO Gravity in space. Sarai, The planets float in space because of Gravity.
Nice questions room 9!
Well Sarai,
Objects are able to keep floating due to the gravity witch makes them to keep in the air if there was no gravity they will just fall.
Cruz :)
There is no gravity in space, that's why things float around. The earth has gravity, that's why we can walk, run, jump...without floating around. Awesome questions!
-Alpha-Adventurer 2
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