Friday, August 21, 2015

Revolution Tour at Pt England School

Some of the students here, were lucky enough to hear the Revolution Tour! The children got to listen to stories shared, dance and sing. They even got to do the 'Whip and Naynay' to the Little Einstein's song. It was so much fun this afternoon and we all enjoyed the positive messages that were shared.

Revo Tour from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.


Maroroa said...

I was in the shot Hi Room 8,the tour was fun and the theme song that we dance too was fun as well. Keep the great work room 8.

Ryan Bohea said...

Nice dancing and good movie Room 8

Anonymous said...

Smooth moves room 8

Trinity said...

Hi Miss Lavakula I really like the song and that Andrew perform and I was laughing and shoked that Andrew perform and he told me that he was doing the butterfly dance.

Anonymous said...

Nice dancing hope you learned some cool moves