Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2013 Who Pushed Humpty?

Our school is part of the Manaiakalani Cluster. Here is our entry for this year. Click here to view all the entries from all schools involved.


Anonymous said...

hi my name is starr and i think your movie.I think your movie cool.Thank you for sharing your movie with us.

Shavana said...

Cool! I liked how you solved the problem and hopefully you can make another movie.

Shavana in room 13

Shavana said...

that was amazing

From shavana
in room 13

JoshuaH said...

Great Movie room 13

JoshuaH said...

Great Movie room 13

Rosalina said...

Hi room 13,
You guy's put really good work on that movie. love how the girl cried she was funny.

From Rosalina.

Quinlan said...

Wow that movie was awesome you must of worked really hard on the movie it is good

Anonymous said...

Hello room 13

I like how you out that it was an inside job and it made people laugh
at the manaikalani festival.

I think you chould of worked on the animation but overall i think it was very good

well done from stonefields school hub 3 :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Reha from Hub 3 in Stoonefields school,

I liked your movie. It was interesting, it was like a small mystery like CSI. Anyway, I think you needed to build more tension, anyway, I like your movie!

ANA said...


Toma said...

Hi Room 13,

Your awesome movie was cool on the Manaiakalani Film Festival big screen in Sylvia park but the real answer I wanted to ask you is"Who really pushed Humpty Dumpty of the cliff"?

Anonymous said...

Great movie Room 13,
Your movie this year was so magnificent.My favourite part was when you all solved the problem because that part was a very happy part.By the way, your acting was great .I enjoyed it a lot because it was very funny and interesting at the same time. I can't wait for your next manaiakalani film next year.What made you want to make a film about Humpty Dumpty?

Stacey said...

hey room 13
I like your movie about humptY dumpty and also you used lots of expression in your movie
from Stacey

Stacey said...

hey room 13
I like the way you used lots of expression and clear words
well done rm 13

Stacey said...

hi rm 13
i like the way you used lots of expression in your movie i didn't know you guys could do so good well done
im looking forward for your next movie
from Stacey

paige said...

fantastic movie room 13
it was magnificent.yous must be on TV
SO THE whole world can see it.great solving the problem. i cant wait for your next movie comes up from.
FROM PAIGE in room 8

Sheales and Paige said...

Dear room 13 I like the way you used lots of detail in your movie and you spoke with lots of expression and you used a loud clear voice.I liked your movie because
It had lots of clever words in your movie.
I didnt know that you guys were great charters even your
Teacher miss Lavakula.I look forward to your next post and keep up the great work room 13 by the way
Great fantastic movie .
From Paige and Sheales in room 8

Sheales paige said...

Hi room 13 I like the way you used lots of detail in your movie. I like your movie because you guys are fantastic acters even your teacher miss Lavakula.keep up the great work from Paige and Sheales in room 8

Melville Intermediate, Hamilton said...

Room Thirteen and Miss Lavakula

Thank you so much for the communication over 2013 and over the past few years for your classes. We are nearly finished here in Hamilton, we have two and a bit more week to go and a whole lot of activities.

Our class page is not continuing after this year because Mr Webb is leaving to move to another school. Just wanted to thank you for the wonderful connections and comments and postings. Its been very special and fantastic conneciton. Mr Webb will be in touch with your page in 2014.

Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate School, Hamilton, Waikato.

Vaifoa said...

Hey Room 13,

Its really nice to see you guys with a great movie with a lot of details in it. You have proved some great effort :) I like it when you solved the problem, (Who pushed Humpty?) I love it, I'll love to see more movies in the future!

aliyah said...

Hi room 13 i really liked your movie that you put together . keep it up room 13.

Anonymous said...

cool pt england

Anonymous said...

cool movie