Joshua is new to Point England School. Here is his writing about a very special visitor to our school. Well done Josh!
After morning tea the whole school went to a special assembly. And there was a special visitor coming to our school and and his name was Will.i.am. And Mr Will.i.am talked about his family and his friends and Will.i.ams big dream was helping his mum then he gave maniaiakalani a cheque with $ 100.000.00. The whole school felt so proud that Will.i.am that he gave us the cheque with $100.000.00 I felt excited that Will.i.Am came to the school.
Not only was your school excited by the visit but I think that most of New Zealand was. I am a teacher who lives in Waikato but myself and a number of people in the classroom saw the footage yesterday on your class page, and then again in the news. $100,000 is so much money and everyone must have been excited AND proud about what happened. You are so lucky to be at Point England School and in Room 13!
Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.
Thank you Mr Webb and Room 5 for leaving us a comment on our blog.
Just keep up the wonderful posting and we will keep coming back!
Yes josh, I was soo excited for pt England that will.i.am came to your school and to think this was the first week of going to this cool new school... Your mummy
What a week for you Joshy... First week at school and will.i.am comes to visit the school what a great experience.. Am looking forward to more blogs from you on here and room 13... Your mummy
Hi Josh I liked your writing $100,000 that is a lot keep up the good work.
i love this righting and you
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