Listen to Dante's writing and find out why recycling is important.
This blog was maintained by Mrs Lavakula during the time she taught at Pt England School. There will be no further posts and comments have been disabled.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mele says Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
Why should we reduce, reuse and recycle? Mele has written why everyone should use the 3 R's! Listen and find out if what she says is right.
3 R's,
Mele Lavalu,
Pt England School,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kane and Tarzanna
Have you heard of Tarzanna? While I was away Mrs Maude read the children Tarzanna and they went away and wrote a recount about it. It sounds like a great story and the children wrote what they liked best about it too.
Friday, December 19, 2008
It's Holiday Time!
Yesterday our children at Point England School finished up for 2008. The children were all excited to go on holiday. Some especially the Year 6 children were a bit sad and got teary eyed because they were moving on to different schools for Year 7 in 2009. The staff wished them all the best. BUT, just because we are on holiday doesn't mean our blog is! Over the next few weeks children's work is scheduled to appear on our blog so please come back and have a look also leave comments. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year.
Pt England School,
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Goodbye Miss Hawkins
This year at Point England School we have had a few teachers leave us. One of them is Miss Hawkins who taught year 3 in Room 9. This is our farewell movie for her.
Miss Hawkins,
Pt England School,
Mele's School Athletics Adventure
Mele wrote about our school athletics. Listen and find out how well she went.
Mele Lavalu,
Pt England School,
shot put,
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Onosai retells Tarzanna
Have you heard of Tarzanna? I didn't until I listened to Onosai's story. Listen and find out what his favourite part of the story was.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The NZ League Museum
As you know New Zealand have the Rugby League World Cup. As part of our EHSAS writing some of the children were given the chance to go and see it. Have a listen and find out what else is in our museum. It's amazing! Here are photos and a movie about our little trip there.
The World Cup is at the Rugby League House in Penrose at 7 Beasley Avenue. You have to make an appointment so ring (09) 525 5592 and thank you to Mr Don Hammond who is the curator for the museum.
The World Cup is at the Rugby League House in Penrose at 7 Beasley Avenue. You have to make an appointment so ring (09) 525 5592 and thank you to Mr Don Hammond who is the curator for the museum.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Nova tally's up the Rubbish
A few weeks ago Room 10 went for a walk around our school with a tally chart to see which pieces of rubbish were the most common to be found. Listen carefully to Nova's recount about what was the most common piece of rubbish found around our school.
Nova Angel,
Pt England School,
Room 10,
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Point England School Film Festival
This term our topic is Go for Green and we have been learning about recycling and the 3 R's. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. For our school film festival we all took part in either being in a movie and some children got the chance to make their own movies. Here is some writing we have done and some pictures of the movies that we saw. There's also some photos at the bottom that you can have a look at. You can check out all the entries on our school website at and look under Events.
On Friday at Point England School we had our Film Festival in our hall. We saw lots of movies. I liked Room 7's movie because they were dancing like robots.
By Tauwhare
I liked the Keep it Green, Keep it Clean movie becuase it was funny. I liked Room 7's movie too because they made robots.
By Kane
I liked Room 9's movie because Raenan was dressed up as Mother Nature and he came out from behind the tree. Then Prince was chasing after Donyae and they ran across the field. Donyae was the recycling bin.
By Kobe
On Friday Point England School went in to the hall. My favourite movie was from Room 9 because Donyae was running away. He did not like things that can't be recycled.
By Logan
On Friday we had our own Film Festival. I liked the films that weren't made by teachers. I liked the one when Wayjo and his friend got bashed up by some other boy because they kept on chucking their rubbish on the ground. Wayjo was tired so his friend got bashed up too he was tired.
By Hueloata
I liked Room 18's movie. It was funny when Mokani was hiding in the tree. I like Room 7's movie too when they were dancing like robots.
By Onosai
On Friday at Point England School we had our Film Festival in our hall. We saw lots of movies. I liked Room 7's movie because they were dancing like robots.
By Tauwhare
I liked the Keep it Green, Keep it Clean movie becuase it was funny. I liked Room 7's movie too because they made robots.
By Kane
I liked Room 9's movie because Raenan was dressed up as Mother Nature and he came out from behind the tree. Then Prince was chasing after Donyae and they ran across the field. Donyae was the recycling bin.
By Kobe
On Friday Point England School went in to the hall. My favourite movie was from Room 9 because Donyae was running away. He did not like things that can't be recycled.
By Logan
On Friday we had our own Film Festival. I liked the films that weren't made by teachers. I liked the one when Wayjo and his friend got bashed up by some other boy because they kept on chucking their rubbish on the ground. Wayjo was tired so his friend got bashed up too he was tired.
By Hueloata
I liked Room 18's movie. It was funny when Mokani was hiding in the tree. I like Room 7's movie too when they were dancing like robots.
By Onosai
film festival,
Pt England School,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Vivienne's in Charge of Rubbish
What would you do if you were in charge of rubbish? Some of us got to write about what we would do. Listen to Vivienne's story and see if there's anything she might be missing about the big clean up.
Pt England School,
Room 10,
rubbish dump,
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mele retells Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Last term we gave narrative writitng a go. Have you heard of Goldilocks. What did she do? Listen to Mele's retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Mele Lavalu,
Pt England School,
three bears
Friday, December 5, 2008
Do you know where rubbish goes after it goes in the bin?
This term part of our topic we wrote about what happens to rubbish when it goes in the bin. Listen to Hueloata and see if you know where rubbish ends up.
Pt England School,
rubbish dump,
rubbish truck
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Swimming Lessons at Point England School.
Julia wrote about what we do for swimming. We aren't quite expert swimmers yet but with more practise during summer I'm sure we'll all come back ready for swimming in Term 1. You might like to comment Julia and give her some tips to practise in the pool.
Julia U,
Pt England School,
swimming lessons
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Point England goes to Wall-E
This is Kane's recount writing of the Wall-E movie. We all thoroughly enjoyed it. If you've seen the movie do you think that could really happen to us here on earth one day? I hope not and so does Kane.
Highland Park,
Kane D,
Pt England School,
school trip,
Skycity cinemas,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Why should we Recycle?
What do you think the world would be like if we didn't Reduce, Reuse and Recycle? Our topic is called Go for Green. We have written about what we think the world would be like if we didn't Recycle and why should people Recycle. Listen carefully as Jasmine shares with you her views. Comment her if you have any more ideas.
clean earth,
Pt England School,
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